Tuesday, 20 November 2012


A few days ago, Adnan Farhan Abdul Latif passed away. He was the 9th Guantanamo Bay Detainee to die. Remember him by his words:

“Hunger Strike Poem”

they are criminals, increasing their crimes.
They are criminals, claiming to be peace-loving.
They are criminals, torturing the hunger strikers.
They are artists of torture,
They are artists of pain and fatigue,
They are artists of insults and humiliation.
They are faithless - traitors and cowards -
They have surpassed devils with their criminal acts.
They do not respect the law,
They do not respect men,
They do not spare the elderly,
They do not spare the baby-toothed child.
They leave us in prison for years, uncharged,
Because we are Muslims.
Where is the world to save us from torture?
Where is the world to save us from the fire and sadness?
Where is the world to save the hunger strikers?
Because we are content, on the side of justice and right,
Worshipping the Almighty.
And our motto on this island is, salaam. (peace)
—(Source: thatboyrebel, via lumosnox44)

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