Sunday, 29 July 2012

ANA blood test...


Tadi pegi amik result blood test kat Klinik Kesihatan Sg Petani. One of result is positive. ANA blood test. Nak taw ANA tu apa?? Ni haa aku google kat Google laahh..

ANA is the abbreviation for the term Anti Nuclear Antibody. An ANA blood test is done in order to determine the presence of anti-nuclear antibodies in your blood. Antibodies are nothing but the proteins that help to fight against infections due to attack of viruses and bacterias. However, due to a confusion or misdirection, the immune system of your body may end up producing anti-nuclear antibodies that may end up attacking the healthy tissues of your own body! This is known as an autoimmune reaction. The presence of these anti-nuclear antibodies can be detected by the ANA blood test and may indicate the presence of an autoimmune disease.

The ANA blood test normal range varies from laboratory to laboratory. However, an ANA test result which is less than or equal to 1:40 is considered to be negative and is not a cause of concern. But if the titer is more than 1:40, then this might be something to be concerned about. Usually doctors get highly concerned if the ANA test results are more than 1:80. *MINE IS 1:160*

Next proses kena pegi set appointment dengan pakar pulak dekat Hospital Sultan Abdul Halim. Nasib baik dekat. 
So, esok pepagi kena lah menjelajah hosp tu. Aku pun tak pernah jejak kaki kat sana. Klu hosp Ampang ke, Selayang ke, aku expert la jgk! Haishh, mmg xleh nak lari dari hosp la gamaknya. 

So, any progress bakal diketahui kelak...

Hope for nothing bad...

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